Project details

Offshore wind farm

Role Definition

With the development of offshore wind farms and new interconnections with European neighbors, the French Transmission System Operator is developing an expanding offshore network within the French maritime jurisdiction.

In this context, technical support and expertise is required by RTE to determine the most adapted organization for the management of Geographic Metadata and GIS System.

The candidate will report to the Offshore Projects technical management team.

The mission includes:

  • Audit the GIS management organization that is already in place within RTE to highlight its strengths and limits.
  • Propose processes (objectives, tools, roles and responsibilities, change management) to efficiently organize:

                o The review of the internal technical specifications, relative to seabed and GIS asset related data (survey monitoring data and as-built data), Subsea data acquisition and processing.

                o The follow-up of Survey operations (review of procedures, calibration, review of Survey reports)

                o The Review and the monitoring of data quality coming from contractors (offshore surveys, cable contractor as-built data, etc.)

                o The Analysis of as-built data and the modelling of soil

                o The geographic data storage and archiving approach, in interface with offshore technical department and IT department

  • Identify the services that may be subcontracted to ensure asset related data management and continuous improvement in the mid and long term
  • Propose recommendations to efficiently manage capitalization from existing Lessons Learned and interface with Offshore projects technical departments and Maintenance departments with the aim to improve data management system

A good knowledge of international metadata standards (ISO) is a plus, as well as an experience with other European offshore TSO.


The candidate shall be a senior geomatic engineer with significant experience of educational knowledge in hydrographic survey (hydrography, Oceanography, Digital Mapping) including possibly data acquisition and processing from offshore assets. A good knowledge of international metadata standards (ISO) is a plus, as well as an experience with other European offshore TSO.

The other fields of competence that are seaked for this role are:

Geophysical survey:

  • Marine seismic survey (high frequency & low frequency),
  • Detailed topography survey (MBES),
  • Seafloor image survey (Side Scan Sonar),

UXO Detection survey:

  • Magnetometric

Geotechnical survey:

  • CPT (Cone Penetration Test),
  • Vibro Corer,
  • Box Corer

Cable Tracking survey:

  • Magnetometric
  • Seismic

Language: French speaking (alternatively English)

Experience: at least 5-10 years in offshore data survey management


Location : Based in Paris or Nantes

  • Start as soon as possible
  • Duration: 1 year - LONG TERM ASSIGNMENT
  • Location: Paris or Nantes
  • Country: France
  • Seniority level: Senior Engineer
  • Field of activity: Offshore Renewable Energy
Position Expired
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