Project details

Following the 2nd French offshore call for tenders launched on the 18th of March 2013 by the French Government, the Consortium ENGIE, EDP Renewables and Caisse des Dépôts was awarded in June 2014 the development of the “Dieppe and Le Tréport” and “Iles d’Yeu et Noirmoutier” offshore wind farms off the coasts of Normandie and Vendée (hereinafter respectively “TRE” or “TRE project” and “NOY” or “NOY Project”).

Each Project includes the design, supply, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of:

  • 62 SIEMENS-GAMESA 8 MW – 167m Wind Turbine Generators (SG-8.0-167 WTGs);
  • 62 WTG Support Structures;
  • 1 Offshore High Voltage Substation (OSS) including topside and support structure;
  • Inter-array cables. 

NOY and TRE project companies are sister companies of a leading service company “Les Eoliennes en Mer Service” LEM.

The grid connection from the OSS to the onshore high voltage network (including two 225kV export cables, the onshore high voltage cable and the onshore station) is in the scope of RTE.

These Projects are presented in further details at and


Dieppe – Le Tréport 

  • Location : Normandie Region
  • Distance of the coast : Min 15 km
  • Water Depth : 5 to 25 m
  • Number of MW : 496 MW
  • Number of WTG : 62
  • Type of WTG : SIEMENS-GAMESA SG-8.0-167
  • Grid connection : 1 OSS

Iles d’Yeu et de Noirmoutier

  • Location : Vendée (Pays de la Loire région)
  • Distance of the coast : Min 12 km
  • Water Depth : 17 to 35 m
  • Number of MW : 496 MW
  • Number of WTG : 62
  • Type of WTG : SIEMENS-GAMESA SG-8.0-167
  • Grid connection : 1 OSS


From June 2014 until June 2016, the Project Companies carried out a series of de-risking studies aiming at defining the technological choices of the Projects and confirming their technical and financial feasibility. These 2 years were called de-risking Phase.

From June 2016, the Projects entered into refining phase. This phase will last until the Final Investment Decision (FID) and Financial Close of the projects and will deliver the necessary administrative authorizations, the confirmation of the bankability of the Projects, the FEED studies for each of the technical choices made during de-risking and the procurement of all necessary works with a multitude of suppliers in order to deliver the wind farms.

Further to obtaining the permits and authorizations, the Projects have entered a tender phase in order to contract for the engineering, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning and start-up of the work packages.

The corresponding high-level Project schedule is presented below.

At the time of writing this document, following milestones are planned:

  • Technical final investment decision (FID) Q4 2022/Q1 2023,
  • Start of the construction works from Q4 2022 ,
  • Commissioning of the offshore wind farms from Year 2025 onwards.


From June 2016, the Projects entered into Refining Phase. In Q3-Q4 2020 the Employer decided to revisit its overall project strategy, both in terms of contracting strategy as well as in terms of intended foundation type for the wind turbines, exploring the possibility to move away from jackets and opt for monopiles instead. This adjustment was finally applied for the NOY WTG foundations only, meaning:

  • Monopiles for WTG foundations at NOY,
  • Jackets for WTG foundations at TRE.

Detailed design is done since :

  • NOY: Q2 2022,
  • TRE: Q4 2022,

For the WTG foundation WP, the detailed designer has been contracted by Employer. Deliverables of the detailed design will be then used by tenderers (Supply and Fabrication contractors “S&F” and Transportation and Installation contractors “T&I”) as a basis for their proposals. The management of the interfaces between Employer and its Related Contractors, tenderers, the certification body (CB) and WTG supplier is done by Employer.

The Projects employs an accredited certification body, referred to as Certifying Body (CB), to perform verification and certification services of the (activated) Project Certification modules. Project Certification will be performed in accordance with IEC 61400-22 (in consideration of the recommendations in DNVGL-SE-0073) for the following modules:

  • Site Conditions Evaluation;
  • Design Basis Evaluation;
  • Integrated Load Analysis;
  • Design Evaluation;
  • Manufacturing Surveillance (optional);
  • Transport and Installation surveillance (optional) ;
  • Commissioning surveillance (optional).

The management of the interfaces between Employer and its Related Contractors, the shortlisted tenderers, the Certification Body, Contrôleurs Techniques and RTE (grid operator) will be done by Employer.

The Project is organized around the following 6 Work Packages (WP).

1 – WTG support structure (FOU) work package

Foundations (FOU), for the design, fabrication and installation of a total of 62 WTG Foundations for TRE and 61 Foundations for NOY.

✓ A multi-contracting approach has been followed for this WP,

✓ The foundation type is different from NOY (monopile with transition piece) to TRE project (jacket and piles),

✓ A Designer has been contracted to develop the concept and FEED Design. Detailed Design (structural) and Low voltage Concept Design in 2021/22.

✓ The tender has been split into two sub-tendering processes and launched in December 2020 (i.e., on-going at the time of preparing this document):

  • Supply and Fabrication (aka “FOU S&F”)
  • Transport and installation (aka “FOU T&I”)
  • Fabrication start planned Q1 2023

2 – Offshore Sub-Station (OSS) work package

Offshore Substation (OSS) WP, for the design, fabrication and installation 2 OSS of 496 MW at 66-225 kV and their support structure;

✓ Multi contracting strategy (split /topside/jacket supply/T&I), meaning 3 different contractors for OSS package.

✓ Topside fabrication and Jacket piles fabrication start planned Q4 2022,

3 – Wind turbine generator (WTG) work package

Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) supply WP, for the fabrication, supply and installation on their support structures of 62 SGRE (Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy) 66 kV – 8 MW wind turbines for TRE and 61 WTG for NOY.

✓ SGRE is appointed preferred supplier, Turbine Supply Agreements (TSA) and Service and Maintenance Agreements (SMA) for the two Projects are under negotiation.

✓ The SG 8.0-167 WTG is a type certified WTG according to the recognised wind industry standard IEC 61400-22.

✓  Provision of a WTG Installation vessel for both Projects is currently in the scope of the Employer

4 – Grid connection (GRID) work package

National GRID connection (GRI), for assuring the interfacing of the Project operations with those undertaken by RTE (RESEAU de TRANSPORT d’ELECTRICITE) for the design, fabrication and installation of export cables which will interconnect the OSS to the onshore national grid.

5 –  Inter-array cable (IAC) work package

Inter-Array Cables (IAC), for the design, fabrication, transport and installation of 66 kV subsea cables which will interconnect the wind turbines and the OSS;

✓ Tender has been launched in February 2021 (i.e., on-going at the time of preparing this document),

6 – O&M base (OMB) work package

OMB (Operating and Maintenance Bases), for the set-up of the onshore infrastructure which will support the Project O&M Phase activities. In the current distribution of responsibilities, the Project Companies have the obligation to provide O&M bases to the WTG SMA contractor as well as several control centers (BoP control center, WTG control center, Marine Control center). One O&M base will be located in the harbor of Port Joinville on Ile d’Yeu (NOY) and the other one in the port of Dieppe (TRE).

✓ No tender for these works has been launched at the time of preparing this document.

✓ For TRE project, the realization of the O&M bases is under the responsibility of the Grand Port Maritime du Havre.

Project Direction & Support Functions

The above WPs are supported by transversal functions typically covering:

  • Project direction, governance, compliance and other general management functions,
  • Technical expertise in design and development, marine construction and installation, operating, inspection and maintenance, and decommissioning (EPCI department)
  • QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety and Environment) management,
  • Other ancillary support functions including: human resources, legal, stakeholder management, procurement and contracts management, cost/schedule/document/risk/ insurances control…

All activities in relation thereto shall be managed by the Employer’s EPCI department (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation) under the lead of its Quality Manager, which shall oversee the management of the Services Contract and the transverse aspects of the MWS. The quality manager directly reports to EPCI Director, and shall liaise between the MWS and the WP Managers, heading each Work Package for all operational-level aspects in respect to the MWS scope.

Role Definition

Activity 1: review and control of quality performance from Contractors

According to Related Contractors planned dates for submission as indicated in MDR / Monthly basis

  • Review of quality deliverables from main Contractors (QA plan, surveillance plans, Audit plans, qualification/audit/performance evaluation records of main contractors’ subcontractors and suppliers),
  • Attend the review meetings of monthly progress reports from Contractors with project QC leads, fabrication or relevant site managers (including QAQC KPI’s, NCR’s registers),

Participate to regular quality meetings with Contractors. Support the Quality Leads and Quality Manager to summarize and track the quality status of each package (NCR status, Contractor audit schedule, Contractor audit findings, document status, etc). Support QM in preparation of internal reporting to Shareholders and LTA.

Deliverables :

  • Comments sheets in Employer’ EDMS (ACONEX) of QA deliverables,
  • MoM of quality meetings
  • Quality Engineer monthly report
  • Project Internal Monthly Report – comment sheet.
  • Quality KPI Dashboard.

Activity 2: surveillance of contractor’s supply chain

According to Related Contractors planned dates for submission as indicated in MDR / Monthly basis.

  • Support the Quality Leads and Quality Manager to plan, arrange and perform Employer’s audit program of main contractors, in coordination with the quality manager, package and fabrication managers and Related Contractors.
  • Witness and Represent Employer during main Contractors’ audit of their supply chain (subcontractors, vendors and suppliers of critical components), followup on contractor’s action until close out.

Deliverables :

– Up to date, Employer’s Audit program & witness Audit program Report.

– Reviewed Contractor’s surveillance plan Comments sheets in Employer’ EDMS (ACONEX)

– Audit plan, audit reports (or reviewed Contractor’s audit plans and reports Comment sheets).

Activity 3: Support in management of QC services contracts

  • Support Quality manager / assist Quality Control Contract Manager in preparation and activation of relevant Service Orders of QA/QC framework agreements (mobilization of resident inspectors, spot assistance for audit or participation to FAT at sub-suppliers, 3rd party assistance in case of dispute with contractors), Budget control and reporting, (MONTHLY BASIS)

Deliverables :

– Reviewed QA/QC resource plans and budget from PQM and QC Contract Manager,

– MoM of contract reviews with QC service providers

– FAT Coordination Tracker

  • Support the Quality Manager and QC Contracts Manager with the follow-up for MWS and Controle Technique activities.
Attend weekly and bi-weekly meetings with MWS and CT along with specific Package meetings in order to collect up to date activities and provide a lookahead. (Weekly & Monthly basis)

Deliverables :- Quality Engineer monthly report- Quality KPI Dashboard.- MWS and CT trackers

Activity 4: Quality Completion Deliverables

  • Support the Quality Manager and Quality Leads with the compilation and review of Final Documentation Material Record Book (MRB) to ensure completion and for any carry over works. (According to Related Contractors planned dates for submission as indicated in MDR / Monthly basis)

Deliverables : – Reviewed of contractor Material Record Book Comments sheets in Employer’ EDMS (ACONEX)

Activity 5: Quality Completion Deliverables

  • Support the Quality manager and Quality Leads with the collection and coordination of lessons learned from all phases of the project life cycle. (Monthly Basis)

Deliverables : Lessons Learned Register


Location : Paris La Défense 3days every 2 weeks

  • Location: Paris Area
  • Country: France
  • Contract type: Permanent or Contractor
  • Seniority level: Junior Engineer, Senior Engineer
  • Field of activity: Offshore Renewable Energy
Position Expired
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