Role Definition
Activity 1: Pre-piling NOY T&I Activities
- Evaluation Method statements T&I Contractor
- Evaluation delivery Pin piles Flushing
- Documents for notifications start on site
- Follow up refurnishment pre-piling template and casing
- Follow up pre-piling activities
- MWS coordination
- As built documents / surveys
Activity 2: T&I NOY Jacket & Topside Installation
- Evaluation Load out and seafastening jacket & OSS engineering and T&I method statements (Navantia and CDA)
- Check sea-fastening / Barges and Load out
- Documents for notifications jacket and topside Installation
- Follow up jacket & topside Installation
- MWS coordination
- As built documents
Activity 3: T&I TRE Jacket & Topside Installation
- Evaluation Load out and seafastening jacket & OSS engineering and T&I method statements (Navantia and CDA)
- Check sea-fastening / Barge and load outs
- Documents for notifications jacket & Topside Installation
- Follow up jacket and topside Installation
- MWS coordination
- As built documents
In order to ensure a continuous communication between the Client and the Service Provider, a series of meetings will be organised by Client throughout the duration of the Contract. Attendance and participation to these meetings will be key to ensure communication and alignment between the parties.
Coordination Meetings
Among the recurrent meetings organised by Client, the Service Provider may be requested to attend to monthly coordination meetings. These meetings will aim at:
- Measuring performance of the Contract execution,
- Reviewing upcoming needs for additional activities and termination of on -going activities as the case may be,
- Holding discussions on challenges, difficulties, lessons learnt.
From time to time, the coordination meetings could be face -to-face meetings held in the Client’s offices in Paris-La Défense (France), Flushing (UK), Saint Nazaire (France), Puerto Real (Spain). However, if jointly agreed, those meetings will normally be held through conference call or teleconference call.
- The agenda of coordination meetings is at this stage preliminary and will be fine -tuned all along contract execution,
- The frequency of these meetings may vary (increased, decreased or even suspended) during periods when exchanges do not seem to be necessary.
Adhoc Meetings & Workshops
In addition, various ad -hoc meetings or workshops will also take place. If Client judges it relevant, the Service Provider will be requested to attend to these ad -hoc meetings.
Place of performance : Paris office NOY + TRE + CDA + Sites + Remote
- Location: Paris Area + On site mission
- Country: France
- Contract type: Permanent or Contractor
- Seniority level: Senior Engineer, Lead Engineer
- Field of activity: Offshore Renewable Energy
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